- - Eyes2Jesus - -

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. -Romans 12:2 NIV 2011
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. -Eph. 6:12 NIV 2011

Some Basics
How to be Born Again
Picking a Bible Version
Do Only Men Go To Heaven?
Power in the Blood Bible Study
Dates of Christ's Birth, Death, and Resurrection Life Altering: Diatribe Style

Through The Bible
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy

Christian Ladies
A Day in the Life of Me
Do Only Men Go To Heaven?
Are Women Allowed to Preach, and are They Supposed to Submit to Men?
Head Covering
Is it Okay for Christian Women to Wear Pants?
Can Women Teach the Bible?
The Samaritan Woman Preacher
Women Preachers, Rise Up!
Scriptures for Women in the Ministry

Revealed Deceptions
Church Membership
Why There are Cults
Mystery Babylon Revealed
Torah vs. Grace

Are You a Sabbath Keeper?
The Revelation 4:1 Deception
Pre-Trib Rapture Deception
Vatican vs. God
Counterfeit Christianity
The Black Thread
Jehovah's Witnesses
More J.W.s at my Door
Scriptures for J.W.s

Holiday Truths
The TRUTH About Romans 14 and Colossians 2
Demons and False Gods of the Holidays
Joining the Holy Guild Fellowship
"Saint" Patrick's Day
Independance Day?
Remembering Christ's Death
There is no "Good Friday"
The Ishtar Deception
Easter is Pagan
Don't be an April Fool
Halloween Truth
Election Day
The Bible Says When Jesus was Born
The Real Christmas Story
Christmas is not Christian
Scriptures About Christmas
The True Christmas Spirit
Happy New Year
Holidays and Romans 14

Angel and Trumpet
2 Thess. 2 Truth
The Rapture: Did You Know?
The Revelation 4:1 Deception
What About the Wrath of God?
Pre-Trib Rapture Deception
Revelation Revealed
And Took Them All Away
A Matthew 24 Parallel
The 7 Thunders
When is the Rapture, and When is the Second Coming?

How God Created Everything
A Multiple Universe Paradox
Time and Our Perception of It
How Many Saved People are There?
The DNA of Angels
Neuroplasticity, Personality, and Epigenetics
Thoughts That Transcend Dimensions

More Bible Studies
The Gender of God
Divisive Christians
Loving the Brethren
Compassion, or Hell Fire?
Corinthians Controversy
Can Women Teach the Bible?
Pastoral Authority?
Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Faith and Works
The 'cations of Scripture
Putting the Sabbath to Rest
Simply Shunning
Children's Church
Legalism and Legalism
Tithes and Offerings
Watch What You Say/Write
Scriptural Prayer
War: Flesh vs. Mind
Oil and Lamps
Blurred Distinctions
Christian Pacifism?

Angels, Aliens, Demons, and More
The DNA of Angels
Demons Behind False Gods
The Nephilim and Rephaim
Are You Practicing Witchcraft?
Angels, Aliens, Pyramids, etc.
What Demons Are
Beings: Hollow Earth and Outer Space
Three Hells and Three Heavens
The Truth About Aliens
Dragons, Spaceships, Aliens

Home and Family
Cleaning Routines
Emergency Quick Clean
Messy House Rescue
Homemade Cleaning Solution
Planner University
Your Schedule
Sample Schedules
Children's Chores
Children Sitting Well in Church
What is the Trivium?
Homeschool Plan With Me
Simplicity and Survival

Perimenopause and Menorrhagia
How to Lose Weight

Basic White Bread
Drop Biscuits
Almond Bread
Banana Bread
Persimmon Bread
Egg Bread
Unleavended Bread
Chia Seed Pudding
Pancake Syrup
Breakfast Cake
Egg Casserole
Baked Oatmeal
Baked Custard
Homemade Pizza
Pizza Casserole
Cheeseburger Casserole
Chicken and Dumplings
Crock Pot Beef Stew
Creamy Potato Soup
Black Bean Burgers
Tuna Patties
Cowboy Beans
Crock Pot Chili
Baked Chicken Breasts
Baked Swai Fish
Cranberry Cobbler
Russian Apple Pie

Perimenopause and Menorrhagia – My Story, and How the Prolonged Bleeding Stopped

When I turned 40, I didn’t know how or when perimenopause started. I thought it was just that last year, right before periods stop altogether. Over the years, I’ve gathered that that’s what a lot of women think. Boy, are we wrong! Perimenopause can last several years, and for some ladies, can start in their 30s.

In my late 30s, I started getting Menstrual Migraines. I’d never gotten those before. I track my cycles, and so I also started tracking my headaches and migraines. I quickly noticed a pattern. My bad headaches which sometimes turned into migraines, almost always occurred just before, or right at the beginning of my periods, and then I’d sometimes get another headache right at the end, or a few days after my period.

At first, I was able to handle these via taking liquid children’s acetaminophen, but a few years later, I’d sometimes need to go for Advil, instead. Sometimes I could get rid of the pain without painkillers, as often taking a hot shower, and letting the hot water run on my aching head, while breathing in peppermint fumes would do the trick.

I like to try natural ways of headache relief, and only went to pain killers when natural things weren’t working, and I was desperate. These were clearly hormone headaches, and are indicative of my estrogen levels needing help.

About a year ago I got the impression (from the Lord?) that I needed a good source of phytoestrogens to help me out. At the next headache which was turning into blazing migraine, I went to a health food store and picked up some wild yam root capsules. As soon as I got home, I took two capsules with a meal. Don’t take these on an empty stomach, as they can cause stomach upset.

Within an hour, the bad headache was completely gone! This amazed me, because at this point in my life, painkillers usually don’t do anything for my hormone headaches anymore. Not Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, or Naproxen. Yet, wild yam root capsules worked.

I started taking the capsules each day, and my sleeping got better, I had more energy, and most months, while taking the wild yam root, I didn’t get the headaches anymore.

After almost a year of this, I noticed I was getting the headaches more often again. So, I switched to not taking the capsules, except when I was in the week approaching my period, and then I’d sometimes take a higher dose for the few days before, and the first day on. I’d also take them on the last day, and for the few days afterwards. This helped manage the headaches again, to where I didn’t get them each month.

Then, I started getting ovulation headaches, so I sometimes try to take some for the days around expected ovulation, as well.

If you’ve ever seen those charts of the ups and downs of women’s hormones, you’ll notice that a woman’s estrogen dips right before and right after her menstruation, and can also dips at ovulation.

Looking back, I’m thinking I started into what I call “premenopause” at around the age of 38. I personally didn’t call it “peri” for myself until I started getting more symptoms – which I did when I was 40, but didn’t learn it was perimenopause until age 42.

At the age of 40, I missed what was supposed to be my first period as a 40yr old. It eventually showed up quite late, and it was quite odd. Looking back, I now know I skipped an ovulation that month. When I did finally get a period, it was very light for the five days that I usually menstruate. While I was expecting this strangely light and very late period to end on day five, as all my periods do, it did something else.

It started getting heavier and heavier. After two days of this, I just felt like there was something wrong, but I didn’t know what it was. It just felt “off.” That heavy period sometimes went into hemorrhaging, in which I was in the bathroom every 30-45 minutes, changing out soaked overnight pads, and passing golf ball sized clots.

After days and days of this, there was no sign of it letting up, and I was getting pretty weak from all the blood loss. I started taking iron supplements, and started researching into what to do. All the major medical websites said to get on birth control, and if that didn’t work, get a uterine ablation, and if that didn’t work, get a hysterectomy. What?! All of the above significantly ups a woman’s chance of cancer, and all of the above doesn’t fix the problem. More about that, later…

I decided to make myself my own guinea pig, since the medical community had nothing acceptable to offer me. I eventually found a way to significantly slow the bleeding, and that was by taking very high doses of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. I was taking three tablespoons in the morning, and another three at night, and that brought the bleeding down to a medium.

Before I continue, I should note that I did try one thing that some doctors recommend. I took ibuprofen. Ibuprofen has been shown to slow down menstrual bleeding, and I had read about a lot of ladies who swear by it. I took two Advil, and bled HEAVIER until the Advil was out of my system! Why did it make me bleed worse, when it supposedly slows heavy menstrual bleeding? I didn’t know or understand then, but now I have an idea. I’ll get into that in a bit. Meanwhile, moving on…

I bled for 31 days, continuously. It was like a real life nightmare. I wondered if the bleeding would ever stop. I wondered if I’d ever get to do the simple things again, like showering without having to sit in the shower because I didn’t have the strength to stand during the whole thing. I had to do so many day to day things sitting, or even laying down, at that point.

On day 31, a friend asked me to hang out with her at the local McDonalds. We took a table in the back, right next to the bathrooms. We were working on our planners together, and our children are friends, so they were hanging out at their own tables. We had a McDonald’s supper while we were there, and dessert, as we were there for quite a while.

Then, my friend felt she needed to lay hands on me and pray, and she and all the kids gathered around and did so. It was a long prayer, in which in some parts she went into speaking in tongues. During this time, a whole sports team from the high school just came in from a game, so they saw us, LoL. None of us cared. This was important.

After that prayer, my bleeding stopped. The menorrhagia was over, and I hoped it would never happen to me again.

But it did.

We now fast forward to age 42. By this point I was starting to wonder if I was in perimenopause, but I still thought I was too young to be, but I sure had some of the symptoms. I had the rare hot flash, but it was never too bad. Sleeping became harder to obtain, and I began to more regularly take melatonin before bed. Even with that, I’d still wake up several times a night, and sometimes have night sweats.

Then there was the itching. It started a few years ago, but it became more noticeable. It was mostly on my thighs, and usually happened at night. My thighs would just get itchy, out of nowhere. There’d be no marks, no redness, and no physical, visible reason for the itch. But the itching would be intense. After about five minutes of scratching the itches all over my legs, the itching would finally go away; until the next night.

I now know that that is often indicative of low estrogen, and is a symptom of perimenopause that some ladies have.

At age 42 I missed an ovulation. I skipped a whole period. How freeing it was! I felt great, except that I was a bit more aggressive than usual, and I got acne all over my jaw line, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. What was going on? It was hormonal acne. Something was out of balance, so my acne and aggressiveness was because my testosterone (women have some of that too) was too dominant. This explained it, plus more head hair was falling out than normal. I just thought my hair was in a shedding phase.

I covered the acne with makeup, and went on with enjoying not having a period. I also made sure to not take any DHEA, which I sometimes took with my wild yam root. I wasn’t on wild yam root, as PMS never came, since I skipped an ovulation.

After a 44 day “cycle” from the first day of my last period, I got a period, but I had still not ovulated prior to that. It just started, and like that strange period when I was 40, was very light for the whole five days, but instead of ending, it went heavier and heavier. Oh no - menorrhagia again.

This time the menorrhagia only lasted for 28 days of bleeding, then day 29 was spotting, but this is because the Lord showed me how to clear it up. I learned a lot along this journey.

You see, the Lord has cured me of many things in my life. He either directly heals me or He leads me to what I need to do, in order to get better, that way. Last time, He directly healed me. This time, He led me to what to do.

First off, you should know that perimenopause often starts in the late 30s, and can go for several years, leading up to menopause, which can happen between the ages of 45 and 53, but it’s earlier for some ladies, and later for others. I’ve already mentioned several perimenopause symptoms in this article: Itching thighs (and sometimes other areas of the body) for no apparent physical reason, sleeping issues, night sweats, hot flashes, and hormonal headaches. Another perimenopause symptom I personally have is foggy brain. I forget things; especially words. Many ladies also have emotional issues, such as depression, anxiety, or rage during perimenopause.

Don’t get perimenopause and menopause mixed up. Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause, and can last several years. Menopause is when you’ve gone a whole year without a period. In perimenopause, you’ll likely notice differences in your cycle. For example, in my late 30s, my period went from happening every 29 days to every 23 days. It stayed at roughly 23 day cycles until age 42, where it started to bounce between 21 days and 27 days.

Many ladies find that their cycles first start getting closer together, and then eventually the cycles start getting further apart, and then they start skipping periods here and there, until eventually they go a whole year without a period, which is menopause.

In my second bout of menorrhagia, I went straight to high dose Cod Liver Oil to slow the flow. It worked, but this time the CLO made me nauseous. It still didn’t stop the flow, but it did slow it, but regardless of that benefit, I had to go off of the CLO for a while, because I just felt too sick on it.

My bleeding then picked up, back to heavy. Unlike the last time I had menorrhagia, this time around I had headaches. About a little over a week in, I decided to take two Advil. I figured it’d relieve my headache, and I was hopeful that it would slow my flow, like some doctors recommend. That ended up being a BIG mistake.

The ibuprofen in my system did just what it did last time. It made me hemorrhage. This time was the worst ever. I was changing out overnight pads that were getting completely soaked, in just 15-20 minutes, and passing multiple clots a bit bigger than golf balls. I knew this was an emergency situation, so I downed a quarter cup of Cod Liver Oil. That worked. It brought it down from hemorrhaging to just heavy. I started taking iron each day after that, as I lost a lot of blood.

Over the days that followed, I prayed for healing, and my husband prayed over me, but nothing changed. Meanwhile, I was researching hormones, the endocrine system, perimenopause, and menorrhagia every day. I was too weak to do much else. I had my children on mainly just grammar and math in homeschool, and had them grading each other. I just set up their lessons and looked over their work each day. The kids did most of the housework, and eating was whatever I could make, that was quick and simple, or sometimes other family members would cook, or we’d get takeout.

Being so low energy and out of breath, I could at least still use my brain, so I researched and studied – a LOT.

At church (where I’d wear multiple pads, and was always ready with a route to the bathroom) I asked for prayer for healing, and pastor and my husband laid hands on me and prayed. I continued to bleed.

God wasn’t healing me, and I didn’t know why, but I knew I needed to continue trusting Him. He wouldn’t have let me continue going through that, unless it was for a good purpose.

Then, my dentist appointment came up, where I was going to be there for a while, as I had several cavities where the fillings had fallen out over the past few years, and one tooth that a large filling fell out, so I was going to get a ceric crown put on that one.

My flow was down to medium that day, so I was hopeful, but was nervous about how my body would react to the numbing stuff from the needle. I know it makes me need to pee – like every hour or less. It always has. That wasn’t all it did. As soon as that stuff entered my bloodstream, I began to feel my flow pick up. During those three hours at the dentist, I bled through a tampon and two overnight pads. Those were three long hours of bleeding, and needing to pee. I had multiple bathroom breaks, which probably looked odd.

I continued bleeding heavily until the numbing stuff was out of my system, later that evening, and then it slowed to medium.

You may be wondering how I was keeping the flow from being too heavy. I was using progesterone cream. I was rubbing it on here and there throughout the day, which was giving me a total of 150-200mg of progesterone each day. While this kept my bleeding under control (I went super heavy or hemorrhaging without it) it wasn’t the cure for me. The progesterone cream also got rid of my headaches, so in this case, my headaches during menorrhagia were due to low progesterone levels.

I had read that some doctors give progesterone tablets to their patients who have continuous menstrual bleeding, and that sometimes it has to be at high doses to get the bleeding to stop.

I spent two days rubbing on high potency progesterone oil and creams every two hours, to see if that’d stop the bleeding. It didn’t make any difference from just the 150-200mg I originally was doing.

By this point I was on day 20-something. I again prayed for healing. Three times that day the Lord told me only one word: “WAIT.”

In my waiting, I continued my research. I was confident my bleeding wasn’t from uterine fibroids. Women with uterine fibroids usually have horrible cramps and very heavy periods. My periods before this were not very heavy, and never ever painful. In fact, I don’t get menstrual cramps. I haven’t since after the birth of my fourth child when I was 28 years old.

I didn’t have menstrual cramps during the menorrhagia either, with the exception of three evenings in a row, where I got mild cramps in the evenings, and then they went away. One of those nights the cramps actually hurt, but I welcomed them, in hopes that something was getting better. Other than those three times, I had no cramping during the whole 28-29 days I bled. I didn’t have cramping last time, either.

That got me thinking. Maybe this is why taking Advil made me bleed worse, instead of less. The women who were taking the Advil for their menorrhagia were having terrible cramping with the bleeding. The Advil interacts with the prostaglandins that result in the pain the women were feeling, thereby relieving the pain, but also slowing the bleeding. Naproxen does this as well.

Perhaps doctors should rethink suggesting ibuprofen or naproxen to ladies who are menorrhagic, but not having cramping.

I also deduced that I likely didn’t have PCOS – Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS ladies often have painful periods that are irregular. Again, my normal periods were regular, and never painful. Further, I didn’t have the weight problems, hair loss, and skin discoloration that often accompanies PCOS.

I ruled out uterine fibroids and PCOS as causes of my menorrhagia. It was plainly obvious to me that I was having perimenopausal menorrhagia. My menorrhagia (this time and last time) was caused by Ovarian Dysfunction. The form of dysfunction? Anovulation. Anovulation Ovarian Dysfunction’s primary cause is PCOS, however, there is another major primary cause – perimenopause.

Anovulation Ovarian Dysfunction simply means a missed ovulation. Of course I missed an ovulation. I’m running out of eggs. Women are born with a set amount of eggs, and that’s it. Menopause happens when the egg supply has run out. As women enter perimenopause, they will sometimes not ovulate – again, because the egg supply is low. The body is winding down to menopause.

What happened with me was that I didn’t ovulate, and my hormones were not balanced. I was low estrogen, as indicated by my itchy legs, hormone headaches, sleep issues, and occasional hot flashes. However, I was lower on progesterone than estrogen. Progesterone is excreted by the ovaries upon ovulation. My ovaries didn’t excrete progesterone, because I didn’t ovulate.

I eventually menstruated without a prior ovulation, because my estrogen kept thickening my uterine lining, and there was not enough progesterone to thin my lining. My uterus got crowded, and bleeding eventually occurred because it needed to.

During menstruation, blood is fed into the uterus, which then floods through the uterus, removing the uterine lining, and then it all expels from the body for up to a week, and then the blood flooding into the uterus stops, until the next menstruation.

I didn’t ovulate prior to that menstruation, so I bled, but there was no signal to stop bleeding. The blood kept being flooded into my uterus to clean out the lining, even though the lining was all pretty much out after the first week. The remaining days, I was bleeding mostly bright red blood.

There was no hormone messenger to tell my body to stop pouring blood into my uterus. My menorrhagia was a stuck cycle. I needed to find a way to hit the “off” switch.

Unfortunately, many ladies think the only “off” switch is to get a hysterectomy. In fact, many studies show that 70% or more of the hysterectomies done in the U.S. are because of menorrhagia. This is not right!

The uterus is NOT the problem! Hormone imbalance is. In fact, I came to learn that in many cases, what I ultimately ended up doing to stop my menorrhagia would also stop it in women with uterine fibroids and PCOS. Why? Because those two conditions are ultimately caused by the same hormone imbalance.

Imagine that your car has an oil pressure indicator light blinking at you on the dashboard. You don’t like seeing that light, so you open up the dashboard and remove the light bulb. There. All fixed. Right? Wrong. That indicator light wasn’t the problem. It was the indicator, trying to alert you to a problem. Eventually your motor blows, because you didn’t fix the problem. You only removed the indicator, telling you there’s a problem.

Hysterectomies don’t fix the problem. They only remove the indicator light. In this case, the main indicator is continuous menstrual bleeding that goes beyond several days, or normal length periods of unusual blood loss that leaves ladies anemic each month. Both are forms of menorrhagia.

Removing the uterus, removes the indicator light, but doesn’t fix the problem. Removing the uterus doesn’t stop hormone imbalances, but it can make it worse. Just like removing the low oil pressure light from your car doesn’t fix the problem causing the low oil pressure.

Again: menorrhagia is not a uterus problem. The uterus is functioning correctly, in doing what it is told to do. It is doing what its hormone messengers are telling it to do. The blood is being flooded into the uterus because it hasn’t gotten the message to switch to the “off” position.

I understood this, but still didn’t see how to turn the switch off. I was stuck in a loop. How could I get the bleeding to stop?

After a few more days of bleeding and research, I told the Lord that I just couldn’t “wait” anymore. I asked Him to please just heal me. He did, by showing me what to do. I had learned enough in my research to write this article which I am presenting to you, and I hope this article saves some uteruses out there, as well as helps women find relief from menorrhagia.

Before I continue, I think this is a good time to remind you that I am not giving you, or anyone else medical advice. If you choose to do what I did, you do it at your own risk, and of your own choice. I didn’t tell you to. Do your own research, pray, and make your own decisions. In this article, I am just sharing my experience. I take no responsibility for you, or if you decide to try what I did, or not. You are responsible for yourself.

The Lord told me to go onto Amazon.com, and just type in the word ‘menorrhagia,’ and hit the search button. I figured it’d bring up some book to read that could give me some more ideas to try on my guinea pig self.

Instead, it led me to a supplement created by a naturopathic doctor, who had been treating women with various lady issues for over 30 years. The name of the product was called “Vitanica Slow Flow.”

After reading the ingredients it contained, I could see how it most certainly should slow heavy menstrual flow. The main ingredient was vitamin A, but it also had vitamin C, bioflavanoids, shepherds purse, yarrow, and other amazing ingredients.

I had tried most of those vitamins and herbs already, but was uncertain on dosage. I knew if I didn’t take enough, it wouldn’t make much difference, but if I took too much, I could hurt myself. This naturopathic doctor had worked out the doses.

It didn’t say this on the bottle I purchased, but on the sales page on Amazon, it said that if you’re in the midst of a very heavy flow, or menorrhagia, then take three of those capsules every three hours. It was emphasized that this is for short term management only. That makes sense, as that could add up to a lot of vitamin A, and we don’t want to induce vitamin A toxicity.

I had already strongly suspected that the reason high dose cod liver oil slowed my flow was because of the high vitamin A content in it. There are a few somewhat obscure studies published online that mention the finding, that most menorrhagic women are deficient in vitamin A, and that by giving them high doses of vitamin A, their flows slowed, and sometimes stopped altogether.

What I liked about the Vitanica Slow Flow, was that it also included astringent herbs, such as shepherd’s purse and yarrow, which help staunch excessive bleeding in the body.

During my menorrhagia when I was 40, shepherd’s purse was one of the things I tried. It didn’t help, but I may not have taken enough, as it was upsetting my stomach every time I took it.

This time around I was getting the shepherds purse along with the other supplements in these capsules. The capsules also had ginger in them, which tends to settle my stomach, so these capsules didn’t upset my stomach at all.

I was excited when I got these in the mail. I started taking three capsules every three hours, but instead of my flow slowing, it got heavier. The Lord told me to keep going, so I did. I got heavier with doses one and two, and at the third dose, it seemed to be going lighter, and by dose four, I noticed that the flow was definitely getting lighter.

That night, I went to bed with only a light flow. At six in the morning, that changed. I awoke to a gush of blood, and ran to the bathroom. My flow was back to very heavy. I changed pads and went back to sleep for a while longer.

During this bought of menorrhagia, my body was using up a lot of calories to maintain systems and to make more blood. I was eating 2500-3000 calories a day, sleeping for around 10 hours a night, and was still losing an average of 2 ounces of weight each day.

Once I got up, later that morning, I was at a heavy flow. I immediately began taking the Vitanica Slow Flow – three capsules every three hours. Like the day before, I got heavier with the first two doses, then leveled out at the third dose, then started becoming noticeably lighter from dose four and on.

This time, I set alarms on my watch, and was determined that I would get up every three hours during the night, and do this regimen around the clock. I did. The only problem I had was that the capsules are large, and a bit hard to swallow. I had to stay upright for at least 10 minutes, while eating a bit, and drinking a lot of water, or the pills would get stuck in my esophagus when I laid down to go back to sleep. All of the extra water intake had me getting up about every hour to urinate. This was a small price to pay for the results I got.

In addition to taking the Vitanica Slow Flow, I was also taking two to three additional supplements of retinoid vitamin A throughout the day (I took EZ Melts A), adding an additional 10,000-15,000 IU’s of A a day, and I was rubbing on 100mg worth of progesterone cream or oil (I alternated between Source Naturals Progesterone Cream, and Progestelle Progesterone Oil) three times a day – once in the morning, once in the evening, and right before bed. This totaled to 300mg of progesterone a day.

By the time I went to bed that night, my flow was back to light, and I was feeling MUCH better. I continued the capsule regimen through the night, and by the next morning, I was on day 29, but only spotting blood. I continued the regimen through the day, but started dosing down on the Vitanica Slow Flow, by taking less capsules, and taking them further and further apart. I figured I’d dose back up if the bleeding picked back up, but it didn’t. By that evening, I was off the Vitanica Slow flow, and only took two vitamin A’s that day, but still rubbed on a total of 300mg progesterone cream/oil.

The next day there was no bleeding, and I felt back to normal, except a bit tired. I dosed down on the progesterone, to 100mg total, and took two vitamin As – one in the morning, and one in the evening. The menorrhagia was finally over. The day after that, I didn’t rub on any progesterone, and I only took one vitamin A.

The first time I had menorrhagia, the Lord healed me right then and there. The second time I had it, He healed me by leading me to research perimenopausal menorrhagia, and learn why it happens, and how to stop it. This is how the Lord heals me: Either instantly, or through leading me to proper research.

I didn’t specifically have Estrogen Dominance in this situation, but in a way I did. I was low on estrogen, but I was lower on progesterone. The progesterone I was giving my body was only able to help a bit, because my body was deficient in vitamin A.

Vitamin A interacts with the thyroid, pituitary gland, and ovaries. In fact, vitamin A has been shown to prevent ovarian cancer, but also to help treat ovarian cancer already in progress. Vitamin A interacts with the endocrine system much more than much of current medical literature shows. While there have been studies on vitamin D and hormones, little research has been done on vitamin A and hormones, yet it was the high doses of vitamin A that had helped provide the “off” switch to stop the “send blood signal” to my uterus, thus ending my seemingly never-ending menorrhagia.

Build Your Foundation on the Rock of Salvation

"It’s like a person building a house by digging deep and laying the foundation on bedrock. When the flood came, the rising water smashed against that house, but the water couldn’t shake the house because it was well built. 49 But those who don’t put into practice what they hear are like a person who built a house without a foundation. The floodwater smashed against it and it collapsed instantly. It was completely destroyed." -Luke 6:48-49 CEB

"The Lord lives! Bless God, my rock! Let my God, the rock of my salvation, be lifted high!" -2 Samuel 22:47 CEB

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." -John 8:32 CEB

"Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6 CEB

The terms "Christian" and "personal relationship with Jesus Christ" have been thrown around so much, that for many people, they have lost their original savor. What is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Is it going to church? Is it being a "good person?" Is it via doing certain rituals, or following certain traditions? No, it is so much simpler than that.

Jesus says:

"Look! I’m standing at the door and knocking. If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to be with them, and will have dinner with them, and they will have dinner with me." -Revelation 3:20 CEB

Let Jesus into your heart and life. Put your faith and trust in Him, and in Him alone.

Why did Jesus Christ come to this earth? He came to pay for our sins. Have you ever broken any of the Ten Commandments? Did you know that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that just looking at someone with lust in your heart is the same thing as committing adultery in your heart?

Many people will say I'm a good person. Sure, I've stolen a few paper clips in my time, and I've told some lies, but I've never killed anyone, so I'm good enough for heaven. Don't be so sure. Have you ever felt hatred toward someone? If so, then you are guilty of committing murder in your heart:

"Everyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that murderers don’t have eternal life residing in them." -1 John 3:15 CEB

If you have stolen, lied, lusted after someone, hated someone, loved someone or something more than God, etc., then you have broken at least 5 of the Ten Commandments. Do you really think you'd make it to heaven? Not according to God's Word:

"Don’t you know that people who are unjust won’t inherit God’s kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Those who are sexually immoral, those who worship false gods, adulterers, both participants in same-sex intercourse, thieves, the greedy, drunks, abusive people, and swindlers won’t inherit God’s kingdom." -1 Corinthians 6:9-10 CEB

But there is good news:

"That is what some of you used to be! But you were washed clean, you were made holy to God, and you were made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." -1 Corinthians 6:11 CEB

We are all sinners:

"All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory" -Romans 3:23 CEB

Even Mary, the woman chosen by God to be a vessel that would carry Jesus in her womb, was a sinner, and in need of a Savior:

"In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior." - Mary said this in Luke 1:47 (CEB). Only sinners need a Savior, and Mary also accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior.

We are all imperfect, fallible sinners:

"This is the message that we have heard from him and announce to you: “God is light and there is no darkness in him at all.” If we claim, “We have fellowship with him,” and live in the darkness, we are lying and do not act truthfully. But if we live in the light in the same way as he is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from every sin. If we claim, “We don’t have any sin,” we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." -1 John 1:5-8 CEB

The blood of Jesus Christ is what cleanses us from all sins. Jesus came to this earth to die to pay for our sins. You see, Leviticus tells us that 'the life is in the blood,' and that it takes spilt blood to atone for sin.

When we choose to truly believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and to live our lives for Christ, then Christ's spilt blood cleanses us from our sins:

"Come now, and let’s settle this, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow. If they are red as crimson, they will become like wool." -Isaiah 1:18 CEB

Jesus tells us this:

"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him isn’t judged; whoever doesn’t believe in him is already judged, because they don’t believe in the name of God’s only Son." - Jesus said this, in John 3:16-18 (CEB)

Paul gives us a simple "step by step process" on how to be saved:

"Because if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and in your heart you have faith that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Trusting with the heart leads to righteousness, and confessing with the mouth leads to salvation. The scripture says, All who have faith in him won’t be put to shame." -Romans 10:9-11 CEB

Jesus is our one and only mediator:

"There is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the human Christ Jesus" -1 Timothy 2:5 CEB

Jesus is our High Priest:

"Also, let’s hold on to the confession since we have a great high priest who passed through the heavens, who is Jesus, God’s Son; because we don’t have a high priest who can’t sympathize with our weaknesses but instead one who was tempted in every way that we are, except without sin." -Hebrews 4:14-15 CEB

We are to follow the Lord and the Bible, not traditions of people:

"Jesus replied, “Why do you break the command of God by keeping the rules handed down to you?" -Matthew 15:3 CEB

Jesus is God:

"Without question, the mystery of godliness is great: he was revealed as a human, declared righteous by the Spirit, seen by angels, preached throughout the nations, believed in around the world, and taken up in glory." -1 Timothy 3:16 CEB

If Jesus isn't the Lord of your life, then I hope that you will let Him into your heart and life this very moment.

"But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8 CEB

Have you built your foundation on the Rock of Salvation?

Jesus is the way. If you would like to receive Jesus into your heart and life, then let Him know. Pray to the Lord, telling Him that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and that you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the death penalty for your sins. Tell this to God in your own words, from your heart.

"The wages that sin pays are death, but God’s gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 6:23 CEB

Believe, and Receive:

"You too heard the word of truth in Christ, which is the good news of your salvation. You were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit because you believed in Christ." -Ephesians 1:13 CEB

When you believe on Jesus Christ, you receive the Holy Spirit. You are sealed as a child of God.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior, and you believe that Jesus died on the cross in your place, to pay the death penalty for your sins, and that Christ rose from the dead three days later, and you are ready to let Him lead your life, and you will live for Him, then you are saved, and born again.

You are now a saved Child of God, with the Holy Spirit living within you. Dedicate your life to the Lord, and live for Him. Please get a Bible (I suggest the Common English Bible - CEB) and turn to the Gospel of John. That is the fourth book in the New Testament. If you don't have a Bible, then you can read it for free, online - here.

After you've read the Gospel of John, go on to read Acts, and then Romans. These three books will bring you through the Gospel, the early church, and basic Christian doctrine. After you've read these three, then turn to the beginning of the New Testament, and read it all the way through. After that, read both the Old and New Testaments.

You should also follow the Lord and get baptized in water. A Believer's Baptism doesn't save you. Only faith in Christ saves you. A Believer's Baptism is an outward showing of your salvation. It symbolizes you being born again. When you are lowered under the water, it shows you dying to your old self, and when you are raised up out of the water, it symbolizes you being born again, as a new creature in Christ. This is called a Believer's Baptism, because, according to the Bible, a person is supposed to get baptized after they have believed on Christ. Anyone who was "baptized" before having faith in Christ just got wet - nothing more. You don't need to find a church to get baptized in. Any born again Christian can baptize you in any acceptable body of water - even a public swimming pool.

Find a good, local church congregation to attend. Search in your area for a Nazarene church, Foursquare church, or non-denominational Full-Gospel church.

Immerse yourself in the Bible. The Bible is God's love letter to you. It is also your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

2024+ Reading List

Currently Reading

The Unfettered Word

The List:

The Making of Biblical Womanhood

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause

The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood

Unveiling Paul's Women

The Unfettered Word

Textual Criticism of the Bible

The Great Sex Rescue

Tell Her Story

Reverse Time Travel

A Quantum Case for God

Hidden in Plain Sight 3

The Lost Realms

When Time Began

Giants on the Earth

Cosmic Code

The Revelation Explained

Enquire Within Upon Everything

The End of Days


When Angels Fell

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

Following the Equator

Why Does he do That?

The Witness of the Stars

Charlotte Bronte and her Circle

The Five Giants

The Mysteries of Udolpho

Tales of Giants from Brazil

A Little Bit of Everything for Dummies

The Giants from Outer Space

Essential Oils: Natural Remedies for Your Family

The Giant's Robe

The Art of War

The Giant of the North Pokings Around the Pole

Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century

The Secret of the Island


The Beautiful and Damned

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency

Hide in Plain Sight

The Symbolism of Freemasonry

The Chimes

The Cricket on the Hearth

Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp

Number in Scripture

The Island of Doctor Moreau

Martin Chuzzlewit

The Mysterious Island

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Nicholas Nickleby

Bleak House

The Old Curiosity Shop

Our Mutual Friend

Pink and White Tyranny

Crime and Punishment

The Secret

Twelve Stories and a Dream

The Uncommercial Traveller

Master Zacharius

The World Set Free

A Drama in the Air