How is it that God can hear our prayers instantly, and can even create an instant result, or answer to our prayers?
Why is it that when the original sin occurred, its repercussions affected all of creation?
Why is all humanity born under sin, just from the actions of one man and one woman, long ago?
What is Prayer? Is it not basically a thought that is aimed at, or directed to God? God seems to hear that prayer instantly, so at what speed do prayers travel? Clearly a prayer to God must travel significantly faster than the speed of light. If prayer is a form of thought, then what is thought?
When we form a thought, it makes our brains fire various signals via neurons. Neurons are made up of atoms. Atoms are matter, therefore neurons are matter. When we create a thought, neurons flow. When atoms flow, energy fields are created. We know about electromagnetism, but what other energy flows, and how do these energy fluctuations affect the aether in which they travel? If a thought reaches God seemingly instantly, and sin can affect all of creation, then clearly the emission of a thought is the emission of energy. What happens first in the human brain? The thought, or the neuron flow? The energy, or the matter? I personally think it's the energy first.
According to Einstein's E=mc², energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. Essentially, energy can be converted from matter (which is done every day) and energy can therefore be converted to matter. Imagine if we harnessed the science of converting energy to matter. Perhaps we'd have replicators, like on Star Trek. If energy can convert to matter, and matter to energy, then is energy essentially matter? Scientifically, matter is defined as something that contains mass. Atoms contain mass. Thoughts don't contain mass, but the neuron flow in the brain from thoughts do contain mass and is therefore matter. Energy can be a property of matter, and matter can be converted to energy. Heat doesn't have mass. Heat is energy, and it is something we can palpably feel. Heat is a form of light, called infrared light. It is a spectrum of light that we can't visually see with the naked human eye.
Heat can affect matter, and so can various other spectrums of light energy. We know that matter can affect energy, but can energy affect matter? Of course. Apply enough of the massless energy of heat to an ice cube, and the ice cube converts to its liquid state of matter. When matter loses its mass, it is no longer matter, but does it cease to exist? It didn't disappear; it changed its state. The matter that lost its mass has been converted to energy. Therefore, add mass to energy, and it's matter. Where does one get mass that's not already matter? Resonance.
God created everything via resonance. The resonance of His Creative Voice was an energy force that added mass, making matter. If energy is mass times the speed of light squared, then massless matter is energy.
When you are walking down the street, and a stranger looks at you, you sense that energy directed at you, and you turn your head, and look directly at the stranger who is looking at you. That stranger's thought was focused/directed on/at you. You received the signal. When a person prays to God, their thoughts are a form of energy that is directed at God. This form of energy travels faster than the speed of light. It is at or near instantaneous.
When you enter a room where an argument has just taken place, no one has to tell you something bad just happened there. It is sensed. Thus the saying "you could cut the air with a knife." Why do Satanists like to do their evil or sacrifices in places where violence or murder has taken place? This is because the energies in that area left a residue, and evil feeds on this, and Satanists amplify it with their pernicious or malicious thoughts and acts. Perhaps some of those "ghost" sightings of murdered people are not ghosts at all, but mere echos that remain from the event.
Do you ever notice the energy fields in different localities? I don't know if just high Ni/Ne users sense this, or if all types do. I'm a dominant Ni user (MBTI personality type INTJ). I pick up the energy fields of localities just as easily as I see matter in front of my face, or hear the sound rippling through the air from the airplane overhead. One locality that I grew up in was basically a mecca of NF temperament types. They flocked to that area. One locality that I lived in in my adult life was a mecca of SP temperaments - SPs flocked there. I'm an NT temperament, BTW.
In order for one's prayer energy/directed thoughts to reach God, not only must these thoughts instantaneously, or near instantaneously travel above the sky, above outer space, and into the Third Heaven to the throne of God, they must also transcend the dimensions. God is above and beyond time. He invented time. He, unlike us, is not limited by any time continuum of any sort. If our thoughts, directed towards God, reach Him possibly immediately, and our directed thoughts towards someone when we look at them makes them look back at us, what else do our thoughts do?
"for the weapons of our warfare [are] not fleshly, but powerful to God for bringing down of strongholds, reasonings bringing down, and every high thing lifted up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Christ" -2 Corinthians 10:4-5
By the Christian's keeping every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, they fight the better fight, for the fight is not in the flesh, but spiritual.
"because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places" -Ephesians 6:12
If we are wrestling with spiritual things of evil in high places, then our armor against these forces must also not be made of matter, and it is not. It is, in its most basic form, made of thought. According to Ephesians chapter 6, the armor consists of truth, righteousness, the Good New of the Gospel, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. None of these things can be utilized by the Christian if their thoughts are not first being held captive in Christ.
The power of thought is so intense, that we are told what type of thoughts to have:
"As to the rest, brethren, as many things as are true, as many as [are] grave, as many as [are] righteous, as many as [are] pure, as many as [are] lovely, as many as [are] of good report, if any worthiness, and if any praise, these things think upon" -Philippians 4:8
Why are thoughts so important? Well, we know those who try to utilize or communicate with demons, and/or Satanists like to choose where they do their acts based off of the energy there. The more violent, evil energy, such as in a place where a recent mass murder has taken place, the better for their vile acts. Why? Because evil is the absence of light, and God is light. If God is light, and all good, then evil is the absence of light, and is like a fungus - it thrives in the dark. Evil thrives on bad energies and bad thoughts.
When Adam and Eve sinned, we read that it affected all of creation. I posit to you that it didn't just affect all of earth, but all of the cosmos. I posit to you that there were habitable planets, and that space travel wasn't the challenge it is today. The repercussions of sin echoed through the barriers of multiple dimensions, empowering demons, creating powerful, dark energies, and creating barriers to the one, true God. By God giving man free will, and creating man in the image of God, this means man can think. Thought is a dangerous thing. However, without thought, man can't love. Without thought, love is absent. Therefore, man was created in the image of God, which means thought must be included, so that love could be possible. God is love. He is the energy and essence of love. Love doesn't exist without thought. Thought is a spiritual act:
"The thought of folly [is] sin" -Proverbs 24:9a
"And Jehovah seeth that abundant [is] the wickedness of man in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil all the day" -Genesis 6:5
When sin entered the world, it first came through thought, and then action followed. The thought is an energy field that pervaded the aether of the cosmos. It is now echoing and bouncing off of all of us, even today. Why would a thought be limited to just the fourth dimension of time? Thoughts are the most powerful thing the human possesses.
"Eat not the bread of an evil eye, And have no desire to his dainties, For as he hath thought in his soul, so [is] he, `Eat and drink,' saith he to thee, And his heart [is] not with thee." -Proverbs 23:6-7
Perhaps you are what you eat, physically, but in actually, the YOU that is you, is what you think. You are what you think. Your thoughts are you.
Sin affects us today, because the echo of it from the very first sin is timeless. It's beyond our perceptible dimensions. The next time you sin, consider that it's not just affecting you, nor those around you - it affects all of creation. This is why Jesus Christ as God in the flesh came to pay for our sins. Only the death of the One, True God could erase the resonance of evil thought, which leads to evil action. The resonance of the spilt blood of the Christ-Messiah cancels out the resonance of the sin.
How does one receive the covering of this blood, to cancel out their sin resonance in the aether and the cosmos? Further, how does one erase the filth of sin from them? When the covering of the blood is applied, the person is a new creation, who's past, present and future sins are cancelled out via the timeless atonement of the Christ-Messiah on the cross. It all starts with a thought. When you believe something, it means you think it is true. Faith is impossible without thought. When you consciously have the thought to choose to receive Christ's death on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins, your thought creates a timeless energy resonance that aligns with that of Christ. You become a CHRISTian.