- - Eyes2Jesus - -

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. -Romans 12:2 NIV 2011
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. -Eph. 6:12 NIV 2011

Some Basics
How to be Born Again
Picking a Bible Version
Do Only Men Go To Heaven?
Power in the Blood Bible Study
Dates of Christ's Birth, Death, and Resurrection Life Altering: Diatribe Style

Through The Bible
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy

Christian Ladies
A Day in the Life of Me
Do Only Men Go To Heaven?
Are Women Allowed to Preach, and are They Supposed to Submit to Men?
Head Covering
Is it Okay for Christian Women to Wear Pants?
Can Women Teach the Bible?
The Samaritan Woman Preacher
Women Preachers, Rise Up!
Scriptures for Women in the Ministry

Revealed Deceptions
Church Membership
Why There are Cults
Mystery Babylon Revealed
Torah vs. Grace

Are You a Sabbath Keeper?
The Revelation 4:1 Deception
Pre-Trib Rapture Deception
Vatican vs. God
Counterfeit Christianity
The Black Thread
Jehovah's Witnesses
More J.W.s at my Door
Scriptures for J.W.s

Holiday Truths
The TRUTH About Romans 14 and Colossians 2
Demons and False Gods of the Holidays
Joining the Holy Guild Fellowship
"Saint" Patrick's Day
Independance Day?
Remembering Christ's Death
There is no "Good Friday"
The Ishtar Deception
Easter is Pagan
Don't be an April Fool
Halloween Truth
Election Day
The Bible Says When Jesus was Born
The Real Christmas Story
Christmas is not Christian
Scriptures About Christmas
The True Christmas Spirit
Happy New Year
Holidays and Romans 14

Angel and Trumpet
2 Thess. 2 Truth
The Rapture: Did You Know?
The Revelation 4:1 Deception
What About the Wrath of God?
Pre-Trib Rapture Deception
Revelation Revealed
And Took Them All Away
A Matthew 24 Parallel
The 7 Thunders
When is the Rapture, and When is the Second Coming?

How God Created Everything
A Multiple Universe Paradox
Time and Our Perception of It
How Many Saved People are There?
The DNA of Angels
Neuroplasticity, Personality, and Epigenetics
Thoughts That Transcend Dimensions

More Bible Studies
The Gender of God
Divisive Christians
Loving the Brethren
Compassion, or Hell Fire?
Corinthians Controversy
Can Women Teach the Bible?
Pastoral Authority?
Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Faith and Works
The 'cations of Scripture
Putting the Sabbath to Rest
Simply Shunning
Children's Church
Legalism and Legalism
Tithes and Offerings
Watch What You Say/Write
Scriptural Prayer
War: Flesh vs. Mind
Oil and Lamps
Blurred Distinctions
Christian Pacifism?

Angels, Aliens, Demons, and More
The DNA of Angels
Demons Behind False Gods
The Nephilim and Rephaim
Are You Practicing Witchcraft?
Angels, Aliens, Pyramids, etc.
What Demons Are
Beings: Hollow Earth and Outer Space
Three Hells and Three Heavens
The Truth About Aliens
Dragons, Spaceships, Aliens

Home and Family
Cleaning Routines
Emergency Quick Clean
Messy House Rescue
Homemade Cleaning Solution
Planner University
Your Schedule
Sample Schedules
Children's Chores
Children Sitting Well in Church
What is the Trivium?
Homeschool Plan With Me
Simplicity and Survival

Perimenopause and Menorrhagia
How to Lose Weight

Basic White Bread
Drop Biscuits
Almond Bread
Banana Bread
Persimmon Bread
Egg Bread
Unleavended Bread
Chia Seed Pudding
Pancake Syrup
Breakfast Cake
Egg Casserole
Baked Oatmeal
Baked Custard
Homemade Pizza
Pizza Casserole
Cheeseburger Casserole
Chicken and Dumplings
Crock Pot Beef Stew
Creamy Potato Soup
Black Bean Burgers
Tuna Patties
Cowboy Beans
Crock Pot Chili
Baked Chicken Breasts
Baked Swai Fish
Cranberry Cobbler
Russian Apple Pie

How To Lose Weight

Starvation Mode, Slowed Metabolism, Fast Metabolism, Cortisol Hormone Weight Gain, Hormone Imbalance Gain, Certain Medications Making you Fat... The list goes on - the list of terms used improperly in weight loss. Fad diets, Crash diets, etc. - These can be distractions. Frankly, to lose weight is simply to exert more energy units than you have taken in. That's physics. That's science. If you are taking in less energy units than the energy output you are doing, and not losing weight, then it is either temporary water retention, or you are unaware of all the energy units you are actually taking in, or you have a serious medical condition which will rapidly kill you. Barring these issues, the only way you can put out more energy than the energy units you are taking in, and not lose weight, is if you are a living free energy machine, defying the very laws of physics, thermodynamics, and science.

Why is it that people, who can't lose weight, can suddenly lose hundreds of pounds after gastric bypass surgery? It's not because it's a magic surgery. That's all it's doing is creating a physical change to your body that makes it harder for you to eat too much. Certainly, with repeated effort, one can stretch their stomach out, and begin putting the weight back on. Gastric bypass is not fool proof, and carries many dangers - one being malnutrition due to malabsorption.

Fad diets certainly work for a lot of people, and that's because the good ones have the person generally using up more energy units than they take in. When one is expending more energy than the energy units they take in, then their body switches to reserve energy units to use, to keep the person going, and that reserve is what we call "fat."

The energy units we take in are called calories. If we generally put out the same amount of energy equal to the calories (or energy units) we consume, then we are maintaining the same weight we are currently at.

If we generally expend less energy units than the energy (calories) we take into our bodies, then our body takes those extra consumed energy units, and stores them for later use. They are stored as "fat." 

Starvation Mode

What about Starvation Mode?  This is a term of something that many people think happens if they restrict calorie intake below a certain number. That number changes with the times.  It used to be 800, then 1000, and now some circles say 1200.  There is no Starvation Mode.  I will repeat - there is no Starvation Mode; at least, not in the definition that many people give to it. Your body won't magically hold onto the weight when you eat less calories, unless you are expending less energy than you are eating.  If you are eating 1200 calories a day, for example, and you weigh over 150 pounds, then you are mostly likely burning more than 1200 calories a day just surviving - just with breathing, thinking (thinking can actually burn calories), with your heart beating, with all of your organs functioning, with you getting up off the couch, and walking to the bathroom from time to time, etc.  

Therefore, there is no such thing as eating so low of calories that your body holds onto the fat.  That's physically impossible.  However, there is a true danger to eating too low of calories, and that danger is malnutrition.  People who lose weight very rapidly sometimes complain of their hair falling out.  That is a form of true Starvation Mode.  They are losing the weight, because they are burning more calories than they are taking in, but the amount of calories they are taking in are so low, that they are not eating enough foods to get adequate nutrition for their body to function in a healthy manner, therefore they may have such symptoms as hair falling out, heart palpitations, and more.

The body needs amino acids, healthy fats and protein, minerals, trace minerals, probiotics, vitamins and other important nutrients to function properly.  If one is eating too low of calories, then even though they'll lose the weight, they won't be able to take in enough of the healthy nutrition they need.  Their body then begins to starve, via malnutrition. 

There is also actual starvation, and that is where the body is not only not getting the nutrition it needs to continue to function properly, but also doesn’t have much fat store left to burn, therefore, unless the person gets good food, they will die, as the body is not receiving fuel, and has no more fuel reserves (adequate fat) to use as energy.

The question may then be posed - what low range of caloric intake will push the body into an actual Starvation Mode?  There is no clear cut answer, as each person eats a different diet in different quantities, and different people expend different caloric units.  Therefore, the best route is to put yourself on a caloric restriction (I personally like 1200-1500 calories a day to start) and keep a food journal.  

Track your foods, nutrition, and caloric intake. If you are expending more energy units than you are taking in, then you will burn fat as energy units instead, thus losing weight.  If you wanted to do a test to see if you are burning fat, you can order urine sticks online that check ketones.  When we are burning fat, we breathe and pee it out in the form of ketones.  Therefore, a urine test showing ketones generally means you are burning fat, however, if you are diabetic, or have certain health conditions, then you need to make sure you're okay, as ketones can be indicative of a problem with certain health conditions.

Some literature will say that even if you aren't in danger of Starvation Mode, you shouldn't limit your calories too much, because if you lose more than a pound a week, you'll "be more likely to put the weight back on."  This isn't necessarily true.  This is only true if you eat poorly again, once you've reached your goal weight.  The theory is that if you lose slower, then you'll create new, healthier eating habits, and therefore have a higher chance of eating correctly after you've lost the weight.  This depends on your personality.  For some, this makes no difference whatsoever.

For other people, losing slowly ends up with them losing, gaining, losing, and gaining the same five or so pounds again, over and over.  This is because life happens, and sometimes we just need a cheat day, or it's an important holiday or big family event, etc.  Having a cheat day here and there is fine, and sometimes helpful hormonally for some women.  The trick is, if you are losing slowly, and then have a cheat day, you can end up undoing some or all of that weight loss in just one day.  Granted, some of it will be bloating and water weight, but some of it will be energy storage/fat, for you would have taken in more energy units than the amount of energy you expended.

This will make a lot people decide that they just can't lose the weight, and they stop trying.  However, if they were on a more aggressive, lower, but still nutritional, caloric level, then they could lose three or more pounds a week, then that one cheat day will only set them back a bit, not all the way, or a good percentage of their beginning weight loss.  Now there’s reason to not give up.  That bit of weight put on from the cheat day will be off again (including the water weight) before the next week is up, and you’ll be back on track.

Note: Depending on what your cheat meal or whole cheat day consisted of, you could retain water, and be quite bloated for a while from it, giving you a higher weight, than what you actually weigh.  I did a cheat day on my 45th birthday, and the very next morning, I was 4.8 pounds heavier, just from that one day.  I would have had to eat over 17,500 calories in that one day, for that to be actual weight gain.  In actuality, I only ate about 3,000 calories that day, and I exercised.

Taking into account that I had dairy (which bloats me), high fat (which my stomach doesn't like), and I ate a lot, it was understandable that my weight would be temporarily showing higher than it really was.  It took six days of proper eating and exercising, before the bloat was completely gone, and then on day seven, I was one pound lighter than on my birthday.


Ah, now the magic of metabolism.  Many overweight people say they have “slow metabolisms.”  Barring serious medical problems that would kill you, that’s impossible.  In fact, the heavier you are, the faster your metabolism is.  A fast metabolism simply means that to keep your body the weight it currently is, you can eat a lot of calories.  A slower metabolism means that to keep your body the weight where it currently is, you have to eat fewer calories.  An obese person has a faster metabolism than an underweight person, because it takes more calories for the obese person to maintain their current weight.  Depending on their weight and fat to muscle composition, the obese person may be able eat 4000 calories a day, and not gain an ounce of weight, but the underweight person would certainly gain weight if they ate 4000 calories a day.  The underweight person may be able to eat 1600 calories a day, and not lose an ounce, because that may be the amount their light body needs to operate, especially if they are sedentary.  If they are more active, they may maintain at around 1800-2000 calories a day.

This is why we can see a super morbid obese person losing a lot of weight, while eating 2500 calories a day, but when they’ve lost a lot of weight, they have to start eating less calories to keep losing weight – because their lighter body will require less caloric energy units to operate.

Generally, an overweight person has a much faster metabolism than an underweight person, as science dictates.  Therefore, the excuse “I’m fat because I have a slow metabolism” is impossible.  You’re fat because you take in more energy units than you expend, so your body stores those extra energy units as fat, for future use.

There are obese people who say that they hardly eat a thing, but they just can’t lose weight. They are either lying, or they are unaware of what they are actually consuming.  They most certainly could be eating very small portions, but then they are either binging later, or the next day, or sometime that week, and/or the small portions they are eating are very dense, calorically.

It’s impossible otherwise, else they’d be not only a miracle, but the walking cure to world hunger, and the key to unlocking true free energy.

 Weight Gain Because of Hormonal Issues, or Taking Certain Medications

Can cortisol, which is the “stress hormone” really make your body hold onto fat?  Not exactly.  Stress makes many people eat.  Why? Because when you eat, especially foods you enjoy, your brain secretes serotonin.  Serotonin is the “feel good hormone.”  Therefore, when one is stressed, in which they may excrete cortisol, they may automatically turn to food for relief, because then they’ll have serotonin – the “feel good” hormone.  This is the root of a good percentage of emotional eating.  Other causes being: psychological issues, one’s eating to avoid dealing with past trauma, or to purposely try to make themselves sexually undesirable to the opposite sex.  All of these reasons, to some extent, generally do tie into one’s eating to get more “feel good,” hormone excreted.

This is often where the will power needs to step in, and one needs to parent themselves, and say “no, you’ve eaten enough. Stop.”  The person avoiding facing past trauma needs to face it, forgive the “unforgivable,” and move on.  Don’t abuse your body, just because someone in the past may have abused you.  If you are overeating and overweight because of past abuse done to you, you are perpetuating the cycle of abuse, by abusing yourself.  Take care of yourself.  Don’t let evil win.

Other hormonal issues that people claim make them gain weight are: certain birth control, hormones for infertility, hormone replacement therapy, hormonal imbalance, perimenopause, and menopause.  None of these things directly make you gain weight, nor can they, else they’d be breaking the laws of physical science.  Unless these hormones, or hormone medications, are somehow packing hundreds or thousands of calories per pill or injection, they cannot directly make you gain weight.  Instead, they indirectly make it easier for you to gain weight, because they can mess with your appetite and food cravings.

Unless you are diligent in tracking every morsel or liquid that enters your digestive tract, the weight can sneak on.  Suddenly you are eating more food, or eating more calorically dense foods in response to the appetite changes or cravings you are getting, as a side effect from certain hormones or hormone medications.  If you have any of these hormonal issues or are on certain hormone medications or replacements, you don’t have to gain weight from them.  Instead, keep a food journal – track everything that enters your digestive tract – supplements (I take up to 170 calories of supplements a day, but the majority of that is cod liver oil), all food, and everything you drink.

If you are gaining weight, your food journal (if you're honest, accurate, and tracking everything) will show you why.  It’ll show you that even though you don’t feel like it, or don’t recall – you are actually taking in more energy units than you are expending.  Remember, if this isn’t the case, then you are a walking miracle, and the living cure to world hunger.

As I’m typing this, I’m in the midst of perimenopause, and I did put on the “peri-weight.”  I didn’t gain it because hormone changes made me gain weight – that’s actually impossible. I put on weight because hormone changes changed my appetite and cravings, thus I was taking in more energy units than I was expending, and I didn’t notice, until my clothes got tight, and I got belly fat, bigger boobs, and chunky arms.

While hormones don’t directly make you gain weight, they can affect where you carry the weight you gain. This is why peri-weight is often seen in the abdomen, boobs, and arms.  I lost the weight, even though I’m peri-menopausal.  How?  I simply made sure to take in less energy units than I burned, thus forcing my body to burn stored energy units from the past – my fat.

I didn’t do any diets, I didn’t give up drinking soda or eating candy bars, and I didn’t give up snacking at night.  Are you kidding me?!  I consider a soda  and an occasional candy bar a treat, and why shouldn’t I get a treat?  I've worked hard all day.  I just made sure my caloric total for each day was less than the energy I put out.  To put out further energy, I’d exercise. I workout six days a week.  I LOVE working out, and have been working out regularly since I was 12 years old – no kidding.  I’m fit, and have been for most of my life.

Do you want to raise your metabolism without getting fat?  Then put on muscle.  The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn, just sitting on the couch.  Now THAT’S how a thin person can have a fast metabolism. They’ll weigh more than they look, because muscle weighs more than fat.

I once saw a woman who was 5 foot 4, and weighed almost 160 pounds.  According to the Body Mass Index, she was overweight.  But in actuality, she wasn’t at all overweight. In fact, the percentage of fat on her body was under 7%.  She had a gorgeous, tiny waist. She weighed so much, because she was a body builder.  She could eat at lot of calories, and not gain an ounce, because her heavy muscles made her heavier – thus making her have a faster metabolism.  The body needs to burn more energy units to move around a heavy body, than a light one. This is why overweight people, or bodybuilders have faster metabolisms.  Further, bodybuilders burn a lot of calories in their workouts, allowing them even more calories to consume.

What about medications?  I’ve heard this a lot.  A person has a specific medical issue that requires meds, but one of the side effects is weight gain.  The medication is not directly making you gain the weight, unless that little pill somehow contains hundreds of calories.  Instead, like with the hormone discussion above, that medication is altering your appetite, or cravings.  If we are not mindful of what we eat, weight can sneak on, and we may not even notice it, until someone says a rude remark, or we see a picture of ourselves.

The Guaranteed Way to Lose Weight for Anybody, and Any Body

There is no great secret to losing weight.  It really is move more, and eat less.  But what does that mean?  That means you simply must take in less energy units than the energy you expend.  Put another way, you must burn off more energy, than the amount of energy you eat, thus your body turns to burning fat for fuel.

Calories are the name given to the energy units we consume.  Generally speaking, if you eat 3,500 more calories above the amount of calories/energy units you burned, then you will have put on a full pound. Therefore, if you eat 1,750 more calories than you’ve burned, then you’ve put on a half pound.  If you eat 875 more calories than you’ve burned, you put on a quarter of a pound.  This is how the weight can sneak up on you.

In fact, weight often sneaks on people so slowly, that they don’t notice for quite some time.  If a person eats an average of around 220 calories more (like a candy bar) than they need each day, then within a year’s time, they will have slowly gained 20-25 pounds.  If they don’t up their energy level, or lower their calorie level, and continue to eat at just around 220 more calories a day than they need, then each year, they are going to put on an additional 20-25 pounds.  This adds up.  After just a few years of this, a person can be 50 pounds overweight, and not even understand how that happened.

People say that when they were younger, they could eat anything, and not gain an ounce, but now that they’re older, if they “have just a slice of bread,” they’ve gained weight.  This is only seemingly true because when you’re younger, you expend more energy.  Were you walking at the mall, skateboarding with your friends, going out dancing, playing sports, hiking, walking dogs on beautiful park trails, etc?  Even if not, perhaps you used to bounce your knee up and down when sitting, twiddle your thumbs, bob your head up and down to music, etc.  All these movements – even the small ones, add up.

Add to this that as we get older, if we don’t actively work on putting on and keep on muscle, we lose it.  After around the age of 40, we lose some muscle mass each year.  To counteract this, we must exercise (yes, lifting weights is a good idea) to keep our muscle, and even add to it.  At age 25, you were probably more active, and more of your weight was in muscle, as now it’s more in mush, and you sit around more often.  Less muscle mass and less activity, and still eating the same caloric amount can equal fat gain.

To lose weight, eat less calories than you burn each day.  This is scientific.  If you gain, you may have temporarily gained water weight, or you may not be properly counting all of your caloric intake, and therefore actually eating more than the energy you’re putting out.  You have to be mindful of your eating, and be honest with yourself.  Also take note that if you lose a lot in the first days or week, some of it could be water weight, so don’t be alarmed if some of that very early loss goes back on, as your body retains some water.  It’s not fat.

Now the question is, how do you want to do this?  I personally am not a fan of diets, and when I need to lose some pounds, I don’t go on diets.  Some people like/need diets, however. If you just want a pre-designed eating program, with all the brain-work done for you, then you should look at various diets out there, and choose the one that looks like one you’d like.

I’m of the belief that losing weight doesn’t have to be uncomfortable.  This is why I don’t diet. I personally don’t want to be told what to eat, when, how much, and when not to eat, etc.  I think I should literally be able to have my cake, and eat it too, and still lose weight.

If you choose to follow some sort of diet plan, make sure you’re getting proper nutrition, and make sure you’re eating less calories than you are burning in energy, each day.  You can track your calories via various fitness and weight loss apps online; many of them being free. 

If you’d like to lose weight the easy way, here’s the way I think is easy:

- Set a daily calorie allowance for yourself, and eat within that allowance.

- Keep a food journal of everything you eat and drink, including your supplements. Track caloric amount for everything you consume – all food, all drink, all supplements.

- I personally weigh in each day, so that I can see within about three to four days of consistent weighing if I need to eat more or less calories. If I’m losing too quickly and am exhausted, then I need to eat a bit more calories. If I’m not losing, or barely losing anything, then I lower my caloric intake a bit.

The amount of calories you’ll need to start losing weight will differ throughout your life. It will not stay the exact same through the years. When you were younger, you may have lost weight at eating 1700 calories a day. When you’re older, unless you are starting out weighing a lot, you may find 1200 calories a day is what you need to eat in order to lose.

NOTE:  Ladies may gain around five or so pounds in water weight during certain parts of their hormone cycles.  It’s important to keep in mind that if you are being consistent in staying within your caloric allowance, then this is water, and will eventually be peed off, and then you’ll see the scale numbers go down again.

4.     Eat what you like, and what you want.  Just stay within your caloric allowance.  However, if you’re not a very healthy eater, then start changing that.  Try different fresh fruits and veggies, and add them to each meal, making the higher caloric stuff into smaller portions. Find healthy foods you like, and start making those your normal meals.

5.     When during the day do you like to eat the most food?  I’m a night snacker.  I like snacking in the late evenings while relaxing with my husband, and I don’t think I should have to give that up. So I didn’t and I don’t.  I also find that I have no appetite in the mornings, and a very small appetite in the afternoons.  I don’t actually start becoming interested in food until supper and afterwards.

I go with that.  I eat a very small breakfast, really only so that I can take all my supplements without upsetting my stomach, but also to get some grains and fresh fruit into my body.  I also use the energy from my supplements and small breakfast for my workout, later in the morning (after I’ve digested some).  I have a slightly bigger lunch, making sure to get more fresh fruit, but also some raw vegetables with whatever I decide to make for lunch.  Supper is my favorite meal, so it’s my biggest.  I have bigger portions, and make sure to eat at least two more servings of veggies, but they don’t have to be raw.  Then, a little while after supper, I may have a candy bar, popcorn, a bit of ice cream, crackers, or nothing.  I have what I want, but I make sure I don’t go over my caloric allowance. 

If I want something, but the caloric allowance won’t allow it that day, then I save it for the next day, and it’s a treat I get to look forward to.  I may buy a candy bar, and eat half of it one day, and half the next day.  I don’t have to have the whole thing at once.  When I eat it, I take very small bites, making it last, and I thoroughly enjoy it.  If we eat out, I can order what I want, but if it's high in calories, then I may only eat half, or even a quarter of the amount, and take the rest home, to eat a bit of, each day, still staying within my caloric allowance.

What if my family decides we are going to get treats and rent a movie, and I’m out of my caloric allowance, or only have a little bit left?  Then I will pick out the treat I want, but only have a small portion of it, to stay in my allowance, and save the rest for the next day or two or three. If I have none left in my allowance, then I buy the treat, and save it for the next day, etc.

When losing weight, I don't tend to say I must have only 1200 calories a day.  I give myself a range.  I'll range from 1200 to 1500.  Therefore, if we spontaneously go out for ice cream, or out to eat, but I'm already at 1200 calories for that day, I'll allow myself to eat around 300 more calories on our outing.  If the meal I order (like Shrimp Scampi) is 900 calories, then I divide it on my plate into thirds, and slowly enjoy eating 1/3, and the rest goes into a to go box, and into the fridge at home, where I can eat another 300 calories worth the next day, and the rest, the next day after that.

If we go out spontaneously, and I'm at 1500 calories, then if I've stayed diligent in my personal 1200-1500 range for the past several days, then I'll have a few hundred calories, and go to 1700, which is no big deal for me.  If I go higher than that, then I may decide to burn off the excess on my treadmill, that night, or just not worry about it, and just take the quarter or less of a pound of fat I may gain, and the possible water weight, and know it'll be off again within a few days of diligence.  No big deal. 
When I'm at my goal weight, I weight in every few days to once every week or two.  If I go five pounds above my goal weight (and it isn't bloating, due to something I ate, or my menstrual cycle), I simply restrict calories again, to get the weight off fast. Since I keep it within 5 pounds, I usually get those pounds off in one week, to a week and a half.  Easy peasy. 

Losing weight doesn’t have to be hard.  Be the person you want to be now.  Don’t wait until you have “the perfect body.”  Eat less, move more, and love life.  Don’t get sidetracked with all the baloney out there.

Build Your Foundation on the Rock of Salvation

"It’s like a person building a house by digging deep and laying the foundation on bedrock. When the flood came, the rising water smashed against that house, but the water couldn’t shake the house because it was well built. 49 But those who don’t put into practice what they hear are like a person who built a house without a foundation. The floodwater smashed against it and it collapsed instantly. It was completely destroyed." -Luke 6:48-49 CEB

"The Lord lives! Bless God, my rock! Let my God, the rock of my salvation, be lifted high!" -2 Samuel 22:47 CEB

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." -John 8:32 CEB

"Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6 CEB

The terms "Christian" and "personal relationship with Jesus Christ" have been thrown around so much, that for many people, they have lost their original savor. What is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Is it going to church? Is it being a "good person?" Is it via doing certain rituals, or following certain traditions? No, it is so much simpler than that.

Jesus says:

"Look! I’m standing at the door and knocking. If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to be with them, and will have dinner with them, and they will have dinner with me." -Revelation 3:20 CEB

Let Jesus into your heart and life. Put your faith and trust in Him, and in Him alone.

Why did Jesus Christ come to this earth? He came to pay for our sins. Have you ever broken any of the Ten Commandments? Did you know that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that just looking at someone with lust in your heart is the same thing as committing adultery in your heart?

Many people will say I'm a good person. Sure, I've stolen a few paper clips in my time, and I've told some lies, but I've never killed anyone, so I'm good enough for heaven. Don't be so sure. Have you ever felt hatred toward someone? If so, then you are guilty of committing murder in your heart:

"Everyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that murderers don’t have eternal life residing in them." -1 John 3:15 CEB

If you have stolen, lied, lusted after someone, hated someone, loved someone or something more than God, etc., then you have broken at least 5 of the Ten Commandments. Do you really think you'd make it to heaven? Not according to God's Word:

"Don’t you know that people who are unjust won’t inherit God’s kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Those who are sexually immoral, those who worship false gods, adulterers, both participants in same-sex intercourse, thieves, the greedy, drunks, abusive people, and swindlers won’t inherit God’s kingdom." -1 Corinthians 6:9-10 CEB

But there is good news:

"That is what some of you used to be! But you were washed clean, you were made holy to God, and you were made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." -1 Corinthians 6:11 CEB

We are all sinners:

"All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory" -Romans 3:23 CEB

Even Mary, the woman chosen by God to be a vessel that would carry Jesus in her womb, was a sinner, and in need of a Savior:

"In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior." - Mary said this in Luke 1:47 (CEB). Only sinners need a Savior, and Mary also accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior.

We are all imperfect, fallible sinners:

"This is the message that we have heard from him and announce to you: “God is light and there is no darkness in him at all.” If we claim, “We have fellowship with him,” and live in the darkness, we are lying and do not act truthfully. But if we live in the light in the same way as he is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from every sin. If we claim, “We don’t have any sin,” we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." -1 John 1:5-8 CEB

The blood of Jesus Christ is what cleanses us from all sins. Jesus came to this earth to die to pay for our sins. You see, Leviticus tells us that 'the life is in the blood,' and that it takes spilt blood to atone for sin.

When we choose to truly believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and to live our lives for Christ, then Christ's spilt blood cleanses us from our sins:

"Come now, and let’s settle this, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow. If they are red as crimson, they will become like wool." -Isaiah 1:18 CEB

Jesus tells us this:

"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him isn’t judged; whoever doesn’t believe in him is already judged, because they don’t believe in the name of God’s only Son." - Jesus said this, in John 3:16-18 (CEB)

Paul gives us a simple "step by step process" on how to be saved:

"Because if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and in your heart you have faith that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Trusting with the heart leads to righteousness, and confessing with the mouth leads to salvation. The scripture says, All who have faith in him won’t be put to shame." -Romans 10:9-11 CEB

Jesus is our one and only mediator:

"There is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, the human Christ Jesus" -1 Timothy 2:5 CEB

Jesus is our High Priest:

"Also, let’s hold on to the confession since we have a great high priest who passed through the heavens, who is Jesus, God’s Son; because we don’t have a high priest who can’t sympathize with our weaknesses but instead one who was tempted in every way that we are, except without sin." -Hebrews 4:14-15 CEB

We are to follow the Lord and the Bible, not traditions of people:

"Jesus replied, “Why do you break the command of God by keeping the rules handed down to you?" -Matthew 15:3 CEB

Jesus is God:

"Without question, the mystery of godliness is great: he was revealed as a human, declared righteous by the Spirit, seen by angels, preached throughout the nations, believed in around the world, and taken up in glory." -1 Timothy 3:16 CEB

If Jesus isn't the Lord of your life, then I hope that you will let Him into your heart and life this very moment.

"But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8 CEB

Have you built your foundation on the Rock of Salvation?

Jesus is the way. If you would like to receive Jesus into your heart and life, then let Him know. Pray to the Lord, telling Him that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and that you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the death penalty for your sins. Tell this to God in your own words, from your heart.

"The wages that sin pays are death, but God’s gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 6:23 CEB

Believe, and Receive:

"You too heard the word of truth in Christ, which is the good news of your salvation. You were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit because you believed in Christ." -Ephesians 1:13 CEB

When you believe on Jesus Christ, you receive the Holy Spirit. You are sealed as a child of God.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior, and you believe that Jesus died on the cross in your place, to pay the death penalty for your sins, and that Christ rose from the dead three days later, and you are ready to let Him lead your life, and you will live for Him, then you are saved, and born again.

You are now a saved Child of God, with the Holy Spirit living within you. Dedicate your life to the Lord, and live for Him. Please get a Bible (I suggest the Common English Bible - CEB) and turn to the Gospel of John. That is the fourth book in the New Testament. If you don't have a Bible, then you can read it for free, online - here.

After you've read the Gospel of John, go on to read Acts, and then Romans. These three books will bring you through the Gospel, the early church, and basic Christian doctrine. After you've read these three, then turn to the beginning of the New Testament, and read it all the way through. After that, read both the Old and New Testaments.

You should also follow the Lord and get baptized in water. A Believer's Baptism doesn't save you. Only faith in Christ saves you. A Believer's Baptism is an outward showing of your salvation. It symbolizes you being born again. When you are lowered under the water, it shows you dying to your old self, and when you are raised up out of the water, it symbolizes you being born again, as a new creature in Christ. This is called a Believer's Baptism, because, according to the Bible, a person is supposed to get baptized after they have believed on Christ. Anyone who was "baptized" before having faith in Christ just got wet - nothing more. You don't need to find a church to get baptized in. Any born again Christian can baptize you in any acceptable body of water - even a public swimming pool.

Find a good, local church congregation to attend. Search in your area for a Nazarene church, Foursquare church, or non-denominational Full-Gospel church.

Immerse yourself in the Bible. The Bible is God's love letter to you. It is also your Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

2024+ Reading List

Currently Reading

The Unfettered Word

The List:

The Making of Biblical Womanhood

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause

The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood

Unveiling Paul's Women

The Unfettered Word

Textual Criticism of the Bible

The Great Sex Rescue

Tell Her Story

Reverse Time Travel

A Quantum Case for God

Hidden in Plain Sight 3

The Lost Realms

When Time Began

Giants on the Earth

Cosmic Code

The Revelation Explained

Enquire Within Upon Everything

The End of Days


When Angels Fell

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

Following the Equator

Why Does he do That?

The Witness of the Stars

Charlotte Bronte and her Circle

The Five Giants

The Mysteries of Udolpho

Tales of Giants from Brazil

A Little Bit of Everything for Dummies

The Giants from Outer Space

Essential Oils: Natural Remedies for Your Family

The Giant's Robe

The Art of War

The Giant of the North Pokings Around the Pole

Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century

The Secret of the Island


The Beautiful and Damned

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency

Hide in Plain Sight

The Symbolism of Freemasonry

The Chimes

The Cricket on the Hearth

Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp

Number in Scripture

The Island of Doctor Moreau

Martin Chuzzlewit

The Mysterious Island

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Nicholas Nickleby

Bleak House

The Old Curiosity Shop

Our Mutual Friend

Pink and White Tyranny

Crime and Punishment

The Secret

Twelve Stories and a Dream

The Uncommercial Traveller

Master Zacharius

The World Set Free

A Drama in the Air